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Показано 76-85 из 85 сообщений
10. Petr Stindl   (22.11.2001 06:58)
Dear Mr. Liapin

Karol Horvath, the dramaturg of the Municipal Theatre Zlin asked me to send you a few lines about your play The Hippopotamus Dreams. Oh! Now at this time at 20.27, Wednesday 21 November I am listening the Czech Radio and they are speaking about your play! Isnt it strange? And this is prime time of the most important Czech radio! Great!
As you maybe know I am director of this performance at Zlin. The play is not easy but the work on it was a really good time for as. The play is full of colors and our performance too.
I can hardly explain to speak about procedure and things like this.
What I can say is I am quite satisfied with the outcome.
And this is really strong sentence for me.
I thing it is something different as usually (I mean this performance). I can say it wiht all responsibillity because I had directed many new plays from different parts of world.
Everytime it is great risk however it is sure enough necessity.
Only with the new plays we can talk about our (your) World.
You should continou with playwriting.

Best wishes

Petr Stindl
Ответ: Dear Petr! Your letter is very important for me. Because now (and everytime) I am in very strange sutiation. We never know what we will have and what we will do tomorrow. That's why every real understanding of your plays can give new way and can become a catalizator for new word.
I try reallity look at my plays and I know how many mistakes and errors are there. But I can correct them just in writing of new play.
That's why Thank you by your Art and by your help with my work.
With best regards
Victor Liapin

9. Karol Horvath   (21.11.2001 01:58)
dear mr. ljapin,

the premiere performance and following as well ran in very good athmosphere.
our performance is prepared in coool and fresh style litle bit sophisticated by so cold "synthetic furniture" - it means the persons and their situations are powered by utlra asentimental way of performing.
finaly - try to see photos
translation is made in hi - fi mode - i mean the spirit of yours play and its lexicology founed very exact equivalents.
actors - esspecially radek sopik - anton ivanovic are good representants of directors and dramaturgists ideas and in their acting this ambicious and cruel way of thinking about the crisis a. i. identity - pars pro toto of our identity could find own personality and finaly they are sexy and really interesting for an audience.
the most important fact is - "hrosi sneni" in zlin is performance built on basement of real contemporary play which is brave enough to be specific and souverein piece of theatre.

many greetings to you from karol, petr and actors, who feel with "hypopotamuss dreams" so much comfortable.
photos follows video as well asap.

best wishes
silvester lavrik

this is my level of english. i have not something beter for our communication, sorry. karol is very good in some summer dialects and old niederland languague but his english is in very fragile stadium in this moment - thats reason why i am answering instead of him.

my personal address

teper ja dumaju - vazmozna perepisyvat nam na russkom jezyke - tolko latinkoj? nam ocen tiazelo pisat copjuterom azbukoj potomu sto u nas net chorosich softverov...
panimajete vy?

I teper ja. Ja ocen spokojnyj, sto ja rabotal na Vasej pjese. Kritika byla tolko odna, ocen chorosaja i ocen dlinnaja. Sejcas ja rabotaju na dalnejsej premiere, kotoraja budet 1. 12., u mena takze jest nemnogo vremja. Vse moji pjesy po slovackom jazyku, no u mena jest programma dla perevodu iz slovackogo na russkij jazyk. ja odoslu Vam cd. Kogda Vy chocete, ja mogu popytatsja oborudovat izdanie vasich pjes v Slovakii. Karol.
Ответ: Dear Silvester and Karol!
Thank's by your letter. Say my B-I-I-I-I-I-I-G Thank to all actors and all personal of your theatre.
Hopy we will contact with you and hopy that "Hrosi sneni" will have good life in your theatre.
Best wishes

8. Salt   (19.11.2001 09:20)
Виктор! Поздравляю с прорывом в Европу. Это как тебя угораздило? Интернет или фестивальная деятельность?
Поедешь в Чехию - жвачки привези, "Педро" называется.

7. Sergey   (03.11.2001 09:02)
Витька! Паразит!
Что ты молчишь?!
Молчишь, что твоя пьеса "Сны Бегемота" ставится за пределами России?!
Я тебя поздравляю!
Как я узнал?
Ха-ха! Разведка не дремлет!
С пламенным приветом Покойник
Ответ: Серега, я сам позже тебя узнал.
Тут еще прислали от Фестиваля молодой драматургии французскую страницу "Любимовки-2001":
Глянь. Впрочем, тебе тоже, наверно, выслали.

6. Karol Horvath   (28.10.2001 21:34)
Dear Ljapin!

There will be premiere of your play Sny begemota in city theatre of Zlin on 9th. 11. 2001.
That is a first premiere of your play in Czech republic.
It is possible , that this is first premiere of your play outside of Russia.
I think, that there should be more informations about your work and yourself in buletine.
Your agency do not work with us that is why I ask for your help.
I am interested in anything- biography, proffesional life, some details about Sny begemota`s text, abut another texts, your opinions, critics...
I am sorry, time is getting short.
Thank you very much.
Many greeetings from Czech dramaturg and fan Karol Horvath.

Dear Mr. Liapin!
Hurrey! Urra! Just take it in order:
- Actually, we got your play curiously. One day an agent of one Russian director came to our theatre (Zlin is city in the east of Czech, it`s
populatiоn is about 100.000; thaetre has got 130 employees- 35 actors. Sny begemota will be played on an experimental scene for 80 spectators)
and brought some videocassetes of his work with a small book of your plays. Cassetes were terrible, but your plays interested us very much.
We chose Sny begemota, but an agent took this book too soon from us. So we lost any clues, because agent went to the USA, where he is washing
up and maybe director is in hot hell (considering to his video...).
- I translated Sny begemota with my wife, who is Russian teacher.
- I was looking for any information about you for long time. I even contacted Czech embassade in Moscow and 3 Russian embassades in Czech.
I got information about your www from professor Alexander Korenkov, but as you know there is nothing about you.
- I look forward for contact and I ask you again for following information (best at the moment, because I travell to the theatre at night and
I would like to have it for printing factory and for term the basis of bulletine ready):
- date and place of birth
- list of your plays with dates of birth (if they were played somewhere with dates and places of their premieres).
- short list for the Zlin`s spectators would be good

I hope that our comunication (I write in English because, when I tried to send you something in Russian, answer didn`t come, probably problems
with coding) will continue. Everybody who is working on Sny begemta are your big fans (director is Peter Stindl). Tomorrow evening (after the
rehearsal) I will send you photographs of actors, another information.

With respect and pleasure your sincerely Karol Horvath.
Ответ: Dear Karol!
It was a big surprise for me to get letter from you. Thank’s a lot by your news. It will be first premiere of Sny begemota not only outside of Russia, but in Russia too.
Some information about me. Pages of my life: football player, Literary institute, journalist in local newspaper, assistant of mayor and guard of the Chicken factory. I wrote my first play when I worked a guard on Chicken factory. Now I am next time journalist in newspaper.
I have 4 books of my own playes and verses and took
part in few national and international theatres festivals.
About critics: I have not critics opinions about Sny begemota.
Opinions about other playes:

"...слышны мотивы и речи героев некрасовской "Осенней скуки", например. Как ни странно, "Последний суп" Богаева - примерно о том же, с теми же печалями плохо прожитой жизни.", критик Григорий ЗАСЛАВСКИЙ (Москва, «Театральное Дело») о пьесе "ПО-ПО-ПО"

"В каждой из этих историй есть неожиданный момент, который удивляет и держит интригу", режиссер Виталий КОТОВИЦКИЙ (Минск, Государственный молодежный театр) о пьесе "Господа, товарищи, сволочи и дамы"

"Пьеса интересна людьми, которые ее населяют. Они не выдуманы", режиссер Василий БОГОМАЗОВ (Нижний Новгород, академический театр драмы) о пьесе "Чужие смешные печали"

Last news from Cheljabinsk:
"Про нас с вами"
Елена ВЯТКИНА 10/10/01
"5 октября в театре драмы и комедии "Наш дом" был открыт новый театральный сезон. Две премьеры подарила зрителям труппа театра. Сначала - классика. На большой сцене была показана гоголевская "Женитьба", поставленная Юрием Гориным. "Совершенно невероятное событие в двух действиях" именно таким и было. Судя по всему, современное прочтение классического произведения пришлось зрителям по душе. Как и спектакль по пьесе молодого драматурга Виктора Ляпина "Господа, товарищи, сволочи и дамы", созданный Владимиром Царьковым специально для малой сцены. Особенности малой сцены предполагают, что в спектакле будет занято не более 5-6 актеров. Однако господ, товарищей, сволочей и дам было свыше двадцати - чуть ли не вся труппа! Прекрасно работают в спектакле Игорь Кудрявцев, Ксеня Юрьева, Евгений Войщев, Евгения Сокурова, Вячеслав Лясецкий, Анатолий Мищенко, Елена Прошкина, Анастасия Шевченко... "Я ставил спектакль про нас с вами, - сказал Владимир Царьков в маленьком послесловии к премьере. - Ну не про нас, так про наших соседей". На малой сцене действительно состоялась наша жизнь - такая, какая она есть: чрезвычайно смешная и настолько же грустная."

Dear Karol! Where can I write your playes? Maybe, in Russian? Hope, I will have such opportunity as soon as possible.
With best regards
Victor Liapin

5. Покойник   (07.10.2001 03:09)
Витька! Рад за тебя до безобразия! Теперь есть где тебя почитать. Ты только пиши чаще и больше.
Ответ: Сергей, спасибо! Жду, когда у "Тринтета" или у тебя лично тоже появится сайт.

4. Алексей Сафронов   (24.09.2001 23:19)
Сердечные поздравления с открытием сайта Виктору Ляпину и привет участникам семинара драматургов, состоявшегося в Минске в мае 2001 г. от худрука Республиканского театра белорусской драматургии Валерия Анисенко. Пишите нам.
Ответ: Валерий Данилович! Когда-то еще встретимся в гостеприимном Минске? Горячие приветы от меня Алексею Дудареву, Елене Поповой, Виталию Котовицкому, Евгению Таганову, Светлане Бартоховой, Анатолию Делендику, Сергею Ковалеву и всем, всем, всем.

3. Александр Вартанов   (24.09.2001 01:26)
Поздравляю с открытием. Так держать! Внедрение в сеть - путь по которому должны идти все здравомыслящие люди!

2. Григорий Заславский   (23.09.2001 22:34)
Хороший сайт, право же!

1. Игорь Шприц   (23.09.2001 19:04)
Еще не читал, но уже радуюсь. Теперь можно ничего и не ставить, пусть все читают.
Твой единомышленник, пока бессайтовый Игорь Шприц.

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